Sunday, February 19, 2017

Facing Your Giants

Happy New Year Girls!!! Yes.. I know it is February!!  but that is not going to stop me from wishing you happy new year. This new year already has been amazing and  a lot has happen to me since my last post that I never believed would happen to me and pushed me to a point where I had to step outside my comfort zone. So to start, I got another promotion at my job, so that is why I haven't been posting. My new position requires a lot more responsibility. But I realized I needed to look outside myself in order to fully engage in this new job title, and realize I have tried to my times to do things in my own strength, but every time I did, I struggled and totally failed.  Once I decided to choose to lean on Christ and realized I can only do this in His Strength, Let me tell you girls it was so hard to let go of that control and say God I give this Job to you and I pray that I will use it to glorify you and only you. Girls, as  soon as I let go and gave it to Him the doors flew open! He has given me the confidence to step up to the plate in my new leadership role and not be nervous or doubting my position. The negative lies I was telling myself, doubting myself, telling myself I am not capable to do this job, was all wrong, trusting in my own strength, falling prey to the devils fiery darts  of self-pity, doubt, anxiety, and all those other lies. Man, how I struggled, but now when the darts come at me I am reminded of who I am in Christ. Don't get me wrong there are times I still struggle but I know where to turn, and don't allow myself to fall victim to that wrong thinking, because when I did I would spiral into a depression of self- absorption, focusing on everything that was going "wrong" in my life. when in truth it was me allowing the devil to take hold of that stronghold, and me being consumed with myself . I want to give some tools that really help me to overcome those time the wrong thinking train stops by.

  1. Captivate your Thoughts
    • this one is huge, it starts in your heart. Proverbs 4:23 girls, everything we do starts from within it is a spiritual battle that we have to face daily. the more we are in the word the more our actions, attitude, and thoughts change to a more Christ-like image. When we are in the word the times when those negative thoughts start to drowned us we can look to our life line which is Christ Jesus and stop that way of thinking.
    • When we look to our Heavenly Father and pray God help me to fight these giants, and look to Him instead of yourselves. He will help you.
   2. Speak Scripture
    • Jesus quoted scripture when the devil was trying to tempt Him in the wilderness, Matthew 4: 1-11 Yes, Jesus was God but he also was human and face all the same temptations but he never acted on it. when we quote scripture out loud. the devil can only flee from it. so this is why it is also important to be in the word.
    • I also love writing out verse that help me focus on the right things, here is a couple of my favorites. Philippians 4:8-9, 2 Corinthians 10:5, and Colossians 3:2-4.

 3. Pray
    • This is pretty self explanatory, when we come before God in pray and ask for help in changing our hearts, and minds. He will answer, it may not always be in the way we want, but we know for a fact that, in Whatever way He answers it is in our best interest. For he is the only one who fully understands and knows us!!

Girls I hope this was encouraging, when we take these steps, God will use us for his glory in ways we can't wrap our minds around. But learning these tools will continue to stretch and grow us to become more like Him, "Although the stones are small in our hands God can use it to take down our giants. So learn to trust and rely on Him to combat the fiery darts of negative thinking. even if it is saying out loud "Satan you will not have this stronghold in my life, for I am a child of the King, who has already defeated you!" I hope you dive in to God's word to strength you faith daily.

Until next time keep it fiercely real,

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